To see your orders, go to the orders page in Mobilzer admin dashboard

Here you can search, filter and see all orders you received, when you need more info just click on one of the orders cards and a more detailed view will appear

Creating a new Discount code is very easy, go to the “Discounts” page in the admin dashboard

Here you can view and manage already existing coupon codes, or add a new code.
Adding a new coupon require you to enter a unique name for it and also a fixed percent that will be discounted from the order total, coupons are a discounted percentage (%) of the total order value, you also can set them to be used only once if you want to do a special coupon for only one client. When you are done with the coupone you can deactivate it and it will not be applied to checkout anymore.

Now give your customers the coupon code and ask them to apply it in the checkout.